Wonderful screened front porchWonderful screened front porch1st floor bath (shower)1st floor bath (shower)Kitchen looking into dining room2nd floor bathroom (tub / shower combo)2nd floor bathroom (tub / shower combo)Deck off of the 2nd floor queen bedroomSecond double bedroom, 2nd floor3rd floor twins bedroomWalk to nearby Sand Bar BeachBackyardBackyard

Wonderful screened front porchLiving roomDining roomKitchenKitchen2nd floor double bedroom2nd floor queen bedroomDeck off of the 2nd floor queen bedroomSecond double bedroom, 2nd floor3rd floor twins bedroom3rd floor twins bedroom3rd floor queen bedroomBackyard


Sweet cottage in Bar HarborEntrywayLiving roomDining room2nd floor double bedroom 2nd floor double bedroom2nd floor queen bedroom2nd floor queen bedroomSecond double bedroom, 2nd floor3rd floor twins bedroom3rd floor queen bedroom3rd floor queen bedroomBackyard

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